Survive An Outback Vehicle Breakdown

Survive An Outback Vehicle Breakdown: Thousands of desert highways connect Australia’s towns and villages to vital supply lines. Will you survive a vehicle breakdown in the middle of nowhere?

Many people’s employment requires them to drive on these highways. Examples are truck drivers, drive-in and drive-out workers, and anyone who must travel between construction sites or cities as part of their job.

The Australian outback is a terrific driving experience. It can, however, be hazardous since the calm can quickly turn into automotive malfunctions, road deaths, or road trauma.

Accidents and collisions happen, but breakdowns in the outback can also be a severe road safety threat.

If your car breaks down and you don’t have a phone, you’ll be left in the middle of nowhere, especially if you’re unprepared.

This essay will help you survive the Australian outback in your vehicle and return home safely at the end of your journey.

survive an outback vehicle breakdown

How To Plan For A Vehicle Breakdown In The Outback

You are unlikely to be reading this article if your vehicle has already broken down in a rural area, on the side of the road, and far from mobile phone reception.

As a result, you must take the time to prepare your work vehicle with all the things you may require in the worst-case scenario.

If you are driving to remote locations for business (or for any other reason), the following items should be in your car:

First-aid supplies

  • At least 20 litres of water, plus four litres for each passenger.
  • Paper maps (in case cell phone reception is unavailable)
  • A phone charger (in case there is no cell phone reception)
  • Food that does not spoil
  • Toilet paper
  • A tool kit includes spare parts, including V-belts, hoses, and fuses.
  • Two spare tyres are available.
  • A towing cord
  • Bring a shovel in case you become trapped.
  • GPS navigation and a compass
  • A tarp for protection
  • At least one esky, and preferably a fridge
  • A lighter or matches to start a fire at night

Devices that communicate without the need for a cellular network

How to Make an Emergency Kit for Your Car

  • Strong jumper cables
  • Multitool with Reflective Caution Triangle
  • First-aid materials
  • A tow cord as well as a headlamp

If you already have some of these items, putting together a kit may be less expensive. If not, the most cost-effective solution is to buy a pre-assembled kit.

Survival strategies for a vehicle breakdown in the Australian outback

Patience is vital for survival if you’re out in the middle of nowhere, your car breaks down, and you don’t have any reception or supplies.

Here are some ideas for getting to safety while you wait for assistance:

survival in outback

Do Not Abandon Your Vehicle:

You should never go into the woods or run down the road to seek aid.

Any rescue efforts will quickly locate you at the site of the breakdown, but if you leave the area, you are much less likely to be located.

When leaving the scene of an accident, there are various dangers to be aware of, including being lost, the heat of the day and the chill of the night, and the numerous hazards to Australian flora and animals. Request roadside assistance and remain in your vehicle.

Gather Water:

If you still require water (please bring it), you must obtain it in your location.

Wrap some plastic bags around a non-toxic tree to collect condensation.

Morning dew can be collected by squeezing it into a drinking cup with your clothes from plants and your vehicle.

Request Assistance:

You can take a variety of approaches. Remove your side mirrors and utilise them to attract the attention of passing automobiles or planes by reflecting sunlight onto them.

Toilet paper is also an effective makeshift sign material for SOS planes.

You can even deflate your spare tyre and set it on fire to catch the attention of anyone nearby. The pungent smoke and distinct scent will warn people from several kilometres away.

Rationing of batteries:

While you wait, it will be a welcome distraction if you can still use your car’s radio and air conditioning. However, resist the temptation to use both for extended periods because the battery does not last forever.

Don’t be concerned:

Tell yourself that you’ve done everything possible and that help is coming.

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